To make it a quick process for common nodes, the most used ones are mapped to quick access Hotkeys (1-6)
To make it easier to set up a Height Blend system between Nodegraph nodes or materials, a new 'Smart Height Blend' Option has been added.
Smart Height Blend will ...
with two nodes selected, auto connect the nodes to the FG/BG Ports of the Height Blend and connect the result to a Mask slot of
a already connected node (e.g. Merge, Mix etc.)
with two materials selected, auto connect the materials 'Displacement' Ports to the FG/BG Ports of the Height Blend and connect the result
to a Mask slot of a already connected node (e.g. Multi-Channel Merge, Mix etc.)
If no node is selected or only one node is selected, the standard Mari behavior is maintained.
The Smart Height Blend Option is mapped to the default Nodegraph Shortcut CTRL+ALT+H and is also available from the Create Nodes Marking Menu
In a recent version the 'Smart Merge Node' Functionality was introduced. Depending on selection type pressing for example 'M' in the Nodegraph
creates either a standard Merge Node or a Multi-Channel Merge Node (for material blending).
In this version the Smart Merge got ... smarter.
MultiChannel Merge Nodes will now be properly hooked up to the selected material nodes. Same as you are used to with
standard Merge Nodes
Selecting 2 Nodes (Materials or other nodes) and creating a Merge Node now auto-connects the two material nodes to the Base and
Over Port(s) of the Merge or MultiChannel Merge Node.
The 'Smart Merge' Functionality is mapped to Hotkey 'M' in the Nodegraph and now also available via the Create Nodes Marking Menu
Mari 4.7 introduces this functionality as standard. Depending on what Mari Version you load the Merge Node will use more Extension Pack additions (pre 4.7) or less (4.7+)
(e.g. Materials, Multi Channel Bake Points, Group Nodes with multiple Outputs).
While previously for example a material would trigger an export of all associated channels when even a single stream changed, the Exporter will
now correctly identify what part of the material has changed and only mark the relevant node stream for export.
The Colorspace dropdown in the Add Packed Channel Dialog has been reworked to have better separation between pre-defined
colorspace roles and colorspaces
With the introduction of the new shelf in Mari 4.7, some Extension Pack Tools have been changed to make use of the new shelf features.
These changes only apply when using Mari 4.7 or above. Shelf functionality for previous Mari Versions remains unchanged.
Extension Pack Items added to the standard Mari Shelf are now grouped under 'Extension Pack'
Extension Pack Material Templates added to the standard Mari Shelf, are now receiving searchable Tags
Create Shelf from Folder Icon now appears in the new Mari 4.7 Shelf as well, available directly after Mari startup (as opposed to within a project only)
Create Shelf from Folder now lets the user choose to resolve shelf name conflicts when importing instead of importing items into existing shelves always
Dragging a Color from the Shelf to the Layerstack will now automatically create a Color Node/Layer for you. Mari 4.7 already allows for dragging a color from Shelf to the Nodegraph
When using Mari 4.7 or higher, the Extension Pack Preset Browser now supports drag & drop into both Nodegraph and Layerstack
(previously only Nodegraph drag and drop was supported)
When using one of the Extension Pack custom Tools Toolbars , the new 'Current Material' Shader Mode introduced in Mari 4.7 is now included.
The Toolbar gets dynamically upgraded/downgraded when switching from e.g. Mari 4.6 to Mari 4.7 or vice versa.
Changing the Paint Buffer Bitdepth via the Toolbar now automatically clamps or unclamps the Paintbuffer based on selected bitDepth
The Rename Nodes Dialog now does not block the user from interacting with the main Mari Window
Text Fields are now reset to empty once Apply is clicked
The new Node Selection Options introduced in Mari 4.7 have been added to the existing Extension Pack options in the
Nodegraph/Selection Menu (in case you forget all the hotkeys)
Jump to Node Input (Nodegraph Hotkey '[' ) will now list the name of connected nodes next to the input port they are connected to
Added a warning dialog to Ingest from Image Manager, when attempting to delete the auto-generated 'My Favourites' Preset
Isolate Select now works in Selection Mode: Object as well
Several Extension Pack Nodegraph Tools will execute up to 40% faster due to a refactoring for Mari 4.7+.