If you wish to make this Online Help available offline on your Harddrive or Network a complete Download is available here.

Please note this does not include external videos (youtube, vimeo) 


Please follow the steps below to make the Help files accessible locally.

The most basic setup to install your help locally consists of the following steps:

    1. Download the help with the above link and extract it into a folder of your choice

    2. Set the Environment Variable below to the location of the Folder


    1. Remove or rename the PREVENT_LOCAL_HELP_SERVING File from the Mari Extension Pack install Folder under

      • /MariExtensionPack_XXX_forMariX/Tools/Help

If the help is located in a non "http"" or "https" location, Extension Pack will automatically use a local webserver and serve the helpfiles on http://localhost:8080.

The Webserver is launched via python subprocesses in the shell. By default the command "python <path_to_webserver_script>"  is executed

By default Port 8080 is used for the localhost.

To specify a custom port set the Environment Variable to the port number of your choice


e.g. "export MARI_EP_HELP_PORT = "8000"

By default the webserver python script that is used to launch the local server, is located under

      • /MariExtensionPack_XXX_forMariX/Tools/Help/

The file is available in non-compiled form to enable security audits and modifications.

If you wish to use another Web Server Script or relocate the existing one, you can specify the new location via the

Environment Variable


e.g. "export MARI_EP_HELP_LOCAL_WEBSERVER_FILE = "/mnt/software/Webserver/"

By default Extension Pack will simply call the command "python <path_to_webserver_script>".

It is therefore assuming that the command "python" is available in a shell (so python is available in your system paths).

If you want to provide a custom executable command or a full path to an executable, you can do so by setting the

Environment Variable


e.g. "export MARI_EP_HELP_LAUNCH_COMMAND = "/mnt/software/Python36/python3"

Using this Variable and the MARI_EP_HELP_LOCAL_WEBSERVER_FILE you can switch the webserver to non-python systems such as perl or php as well

For security by default Extension Pack will prohibit execution of the  "command  <path_to_webserver_script>" if the help content is

localized via the Environment Variable MARI_EP_HELP_LOCATION.

The File prohibiting execution is called PREVENT_LOCAL_HELP_SERVING and is located under


In order for local webservers to work, this file needs to be removed or renamed