Quick Connect / Disconnect

  • Where to find it: 

    • NodeGraph / Right Mouse Click / Connection /

Quick Connect

The Quick Connection Options allow you to connect nodes via a hotkey instead of manually dragging a connection.

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):   W

Pressing the Hotkey W will quick connect the previously selected node(s) to the current selection, while leaving existing connections intact.
Pressing "W" repeatedly will cycle the connection through open ports.

The options are also available via the Right Mouse Click Menu

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):   SHIFT+W

Pressing the Hotkey Shift + W will quick connect the previously selected node(s) to the current selection, overwriting existing connections
Pressing "Shift + W" repeatedly will cycle the connection through ports, overwriting any previously made connection is goes over.

The options are also available via the Right Mouse Click Menu

Quick Disconnect

Convenience Hotbox

The Quick Disconnect Options are available on a convenience hotbox assigned to CTRL+ALT+X

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):  None Assigned

Pressing the Hotkey CTRL+ALT+X will disconnect all nodes feeding into the current node selection

The options are also available via the Right Mouse Click Menu

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):  None Assigned

The Disconnect Output option will disconnect all Output Connections for the current node selection

The options are also available via the Right Mouse Click Menu

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):  None Assigned

The "Shake to Extract" checkbox determines if you are able to disconnect a selected node by repeated, rapid back and forth movements of your mouse (similar to Houdini).
Further options to configure this behavior are available under Edit/Preferences/Node Graph.

This option is only available in Mari 7.0v1 and higher

  • Shortcut (Nodegraph Only):   CTRL+SHIFT+X

Extract Node will remove the current node selection from the chain it is connected to.

The node will be placed as an unconnected node, while a new connection is build between the node feeding previously into the extracted 

node and the node previously connected to the output of the extracted node

The options are also available via the Right Mouse Click Menu