Access & Configuration of the Substance Bridge

  • Where to find it:

    • Main Window / Project Toolbar

    • Main Window / Extension Pack / Baker

  • Shortcut: (unassigned, use "Edit / Shortcuts" to assign)

The Substance Baker Bridge will automatically look for a either a Substance Automation Toolkit or Substance Designer (12.1+)Distribution in common installation locations.

Alternatively it will check for the existence of the Substance Environment Variable SAT_INSTALL_PATH, which can be used to declare

the Installation Folder e.g. in a Studio Environment.

If an Installation is found through any of those two ways your Substance Baker Bridge will start fully configured.

If the Substance Baker Bridge was unable to automatically detect either

a dialog will prompt you to specify the Installation Folder of one of them

The Path to your ...

... can be changed at any time within the main Substance Baker Bridge Dialog, in the Tool Configuration Settings.

If available, Substance Baker Bridge will automatically get the Substance Installation Folder from the Environment Variable


The Environment Variable can be pointed to the Folder where your Toolkit is installed.

This is a Substance3D Environment Variable, not an Extension Pack one.

<=  Substance Baker Bridge                                                                                                  => Baker Types